ID 904 : Citywolf Type34 Variant / Kit
Model cars/Toys

Picture: Mathias Weineck

Picture: Mathias Weineck

Picture: Mathias Weineck

Type: Type 34 Station Wagon
Modelyear: 60th

Scale: 1:87 (48mm)
Material: Resin
Design: Kit
Color: resin
Value: €0 - €10

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Listed by: Citywolf

Contact Agent
Info: Wolfgang made two different sizes Karmann-Ghia bodies for remoted controlled cars.

The first series Copperwolf bodies are made for the MS miniracer of microraces. These are 60mm long. For this body he used a bauer model for a mould and shorened this one to fit the body of the base.

The second series models are based on a lego model and are scale 1:87 for the smallest remoted controlled cars available.

The model can be orders just as a base or as a complete remote controlled model. He also make them on order to look like your own car.

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