ID 803 : Marusan Type34 Yellow
Model cars/Toys

Type: Type 34
Modelyear: 60th

Scale: 1:87 (48mm)
Material: Plastic
Design: Slot car body
Color: Yellow
Value: €100 - >>

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Listed by: Marusan

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Info: One of the many toy companies from Japan whose products have endured over time is Marusan Co. Ltd. We know them by the mark of SAN in a circle as shown above.

The Japanese word ?Maru? means circle, thus the mark of SAN in a circle. But the word ?San? also means three, which refers to the 3 founders of this company in 1947. Circles along with diamonds were popular logo marks for Japanese companies at that time as evidenced by the many marks we see within a circle or diamond.

The history can be foudn on:

One of the founders (Saburo Ishizuki) wrote a book titled, My Work at Marusan and Bullmark.

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