Picture: Lee Hedges
Picture: Lee Hedges
Picture: Lee Hedges
Picture: Lee Hedges
Manufacturer: Autosculpt Type: Type 34 Modelyear: 60th
Scale: 1:92 (45mm) Material: Pewter Design: Finished model Color: Zinn Value: €10 - €25
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Homepage: http://www.87thscale.info/autosculpt.htm
Info: The man behind Autosculpt started as a decorative plaster. With the love of klassic cars it was only a matter of time before he made a plaster model of the car he owned for nearly 20 years, a Bond Equipe 2Lt convertible.
After some 1:20 and 1:18 models he made a chess play of 1:100 cars. That didn't sell very good, but people wanted to buy the individual models, so he made a few more 1/100 scale, then the slightly larger 1/92 scale. He had been accused of copying other models, so 1/92 was good because no one else uses that scale.
He left his job as a decorative plaster technical manager in 1993, to start Autosculpt full time
many autoscupt model are commissioned by clubs or dealers. The Karmann-Ghia Type34 was also designed after the Dutch Karmann-Ghia Club placed the first order for there 10 years anneversary.
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