ID 257 : Geiger Green
Model cars/Toys

Picture: Patrick Baptist

Picture: Patrick Baptist

Type: Type 34
Modelyear: 60th

Scale: 1:87 (48mm)
Material: Resin
Design: Finished model
Color: Green
Value: €10 - €25

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Listed by: Geiger

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Info: These models were first offered in 1994 at the "Modellbau S?d" show in Stuttgart, Germany where they sold unfinished blank models at DM 8 each and fully painted examples mounted on plinths at DM 15 each. Several years later they appeared on swap meets and they could also be found on Ebay. The models are plain copies of Wiking, Herpa and other miniatures. We know of 16 different solid resin castings in various colours, although there are most certainly more. They are sufficiently detailed but their design is quite simple with their wheels cast to the body and a little block of resin between the wheels.

The models are made by Ilona Geiger.

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